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  • butkolorissa

Tweeting Madness

Twitter has forever changed the social media and how we communicate with one another. Through hashtags and 140 characters, social media has established a language of its own. This type of platform offers so much creativity for its users. Writing and reading tweets can be a creative outlet for those who may have a more reserved personality. I decided to hop on the twitter trend and to post some tweets of my own. I hoped going into this that I would be able to produce some light but thought provoking statements that would get others thinking.

My first tweet is an iconic one for this day and age. Picture it, a hundred years from now. You are talking with your great great great grandchildren, and they ask you the craziest thing that happened in your lifetime. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind it the 2020 corona virus pandemic! What a time to be alive in the face of quarantine and uncertainty. My motivation for writing a tweet regarding this topic is simple, relevance. Relevancy is key in today’s day and age. Whether it’s us wanting to read something relevant or to BE RELEVANT. Everyone enjoys reading something they can relate to and make light out of a dark situation.

My next tweeting escapade revolved around the concept of superheroes. Everyone wants to be saved, but to what cost does that come at for those doing the saving? I was inspired to write this tweet because people are quick to take actions of others for granted. For all of our “superheroes” out in the world, at what point does it become a burden? Helping others out is a good way to bring joy. I feel this is something that people should be aware of, so they can be more thoughtful about their actions.

Finally, my closing tweet of the day. Love, It’s a complex thing. My motivation to write a tweet about a twitter found love was to display how some social media relationships come about. People are finding “love” in the smallest details on the internet. A twitter found love would be one of the most controversial of the social medias. How much can you really learn about a person in 140 characters or less? I hope people look and this tweet and think about how real this situation could be.

Writing these tweets with the intended audience and my own motivations was engaging. It was difficult for me to find what words I wanted to put out on the internet for others to read. I feel that I picked purposes that I found insightful. I hope that others will be able to look at these tweets and gain a little insight and get them thinking. I learned from this experience that it is okay to post fun, random, inspirational messages. I am not usually one to go out of my way and post something like this, so it was interesting to create these tweets. Going forward, I am going to try and have a more open perspective and try to key into what others might be trying to convey through their tweets.

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